With so much snow and nothing to do, I decided to go for a little excursion out in the country. Grabbing my camera, I began walking through the open fields near my neighborhood. As I made my way along a stream, I noticed allot of fresh animal tracks in the snow. I was able to pick out the tracks of deer, raccoons, coyotes, and mice. Interestingly, the mouse tracks went from one patch of grass to another. By each patch of grass, you could see a bunch of chaff that the mice had left behind after eating the grass seeds.
Although this hike took the whole afternoon, I still enjoyed every minute of being out in the fresh air and seeing the beauty of God’s creation! Hope you enjoy several of my favorite images.
~ Filipp C.
Unfortunately, we could not stay to sing at the evening service of Sulamita Church because the road conditions in Portland were getting pretty bad and we decided to head back before things get worse. Enjoy these first few images I was able to process. I will try to post some more tomorrow. God Bless!
~Filipp C.