Friday, February 13, 2009

Tragic Death

The news of your death shocked me. How could this be? I saw you last Thursday Rafael. Who would have known that those were your last days? What happened? I can't even imagine how you were feeling out there in the snow.... naked and freezing. What were your last thoughts? What were your last words? What was it like before you entered that cold and peaceful state of oblivion? Was there sadness and humiliation involved in someone taking your clothes or were you thinking about the dreams that would never come true? Were you hoping to see the face of your parents for one last time as you realized that it was your last night?

I have so many questions Rafael and so little answers. I do know however, that your death was within God's will and ultimately for his glory. I pray that Christ's name may be glorified through your death even more than it was in your life. I truly believe that if God has taken you into his presence, you are so much happier there than you were, here on earth. Oh, I can just imagine you praising God with your great voice of tenor, together with the angels and all the saints. If heaven is were your soul found it's rest, I can't wait to join you there my friend. I cannot even picture what it's like to be eternally praising God and bathing in his glory. I remember your love for playing the piano. I don't know if they have pianos in heaven but, I know that you would not be disappointed. I long to be there soon... Together with all the saints, I will praise him forever!!!

~Filipp C.

1 comment:

Child_of_god said...

hey i am sorry about Rafael i don't know him preety well but when i saw him v grobu kogda ya snim proshalasy u menya serdce ostonavlivalasy na 5 minut ya dishaty ne mogla ya dumala tam upadu v obmarok mne jalko rafaelya on bil vobshe molodim parnem 20 let man ya po nemu skuchayu :(