Friday, November 20, 2009

Countdown to Thanksgiving: Day 6

I am thankful for all the opportunities God gives me to share the gospel with those who are perishing. Throughout the past month I have been talking with a certain coworker about God and Christianity. Just an hour ago, while working with this same coworker, I opened an email from my friend Dima Pitsul. The email was entitled "I think my new favorite Christian artist" and had several links to songs with lyrics written by an artist called Lacrae. I opened the first link to a song called "Truth" and was immediately shocked by how the lyrics of the song addressed the exact questions that the coworker and I had been discussing earlier. I told the coworker to check out the song while I went on the deck of the ship we are guarding. Throughout the whole time that I was on board the ship, I was praying in the Spirit so that God would use this evangelization oriented rap song to plant a seed in the heart of this man.

My friend, if you are a believer, do not waste your opportunities to witness. Jesus said "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.” The Bible calls us to be Fanatics for Christ, people that lead a radically different life. If the world sees you as normal, if it sees you as one of it's own, than something is seriously wrong. Something needs to be changed!

There are songs with cool beats and melodies but all to often, they are full of empty words. Even though rap is by far not my favorite music genre, these songs are different, the words are full of truth, the words are alive! Check out the links: Don't Waste Your Life, Rebel, Fanatic, I'm praying for you, Truth. My favorite is posted above. Enjoy!

~ Filipp C.

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